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apollo feature

Commands to manage features

apollo feature add-child

Add a child feature (e.g. add an exon to an mRNA)

$ apollo feature add-child -s <value> -e <value> -t <value> [--profile <value>] [--config-file <value>] [-i <value>]

-e, --end=<value> (required) End coordinate of the child feature (1-based)
-i, --feature-id=<value> [default: -] Add a child to this feature ID; use - to read it from stdin
-s, --start=<value> (required) Start coordinate of the child feature (1-based)
-t, --type=<value> (required) Type of child feature
--config-file=<value> Use this config file (mostly for testing)
--profile=<value> Use credentials from this profile

Add a child feature (e.g. add an exon to an mRNA)

See the other commands under `apollo feature` to retrive the parent ID of interest and to populate the child feature
with attributes.

Add an exon at genomic coordinates 10..20 to this feature ID:

$ apollo feature add-child -i 660...73f -t exon -s 10 -e 20

See code: src/commands/feature/add-child.ts

apollo feature check

Get check results

$ apollo feature check [--profile <value>] [--config-file <value>] [-i <value>] [-a <value>]

-a, --assembly=<value> Get checks for this assembly
-i, --feature-id=<value>... Get checks for these feature identifiers
--config-file=<value> Use this config file (mostly for testing)
--profile=<value> Use credentials from this profile

Get check results

Use this command to view which features fail checks along with the reason for failing.Use `apollo assembly check` for
managing which checks should be applied to an assembly

Get all check results in the database:

$ apollo feature check

Get check results for assembly hg19:

$ apollo feature check -a hg19

See code: src/commands/feature/check.ts

apollo feature copy

Copy a feature to another location

$ apollo feature copy -r <value> -s <value> [--profile <value>] [--config-file <value>] [-i <value>] [-a <value>]

-a, --assembly=<value> Name or ID of target assembly. Not required if refseq is unique in the database
-i, --feature-id=<value> [default: -] Feature ID to copy to; use - to read it from stdin
-r, --refseq=<value> (required) Name or ID of target reference sequence
-s, --start=<value> (required) Start position in target reference sequence
--config-file=<value> Use this config file (mostly for testing)
--profile=<value> Use credentials from this profile

Copy a feature to another location

The feature may be copied to the same or to a different assembly. The destination reference sequence may be selected
by name only if unique in the database or by name and assembly or by identifier.

Copy this feature ID to chr1:100 in assembly hg38:

$ apollo feature copy -i 6605826fbd0eee691f83e73f -r chr1 -s 100 -a hg38

See code: src/commands/feature/copy.ts

apollo feature delete

Delete one or more features by ID

$ apollo feature delete [--profile <value>] [--config-file <value>] [-i <value>] [-f] [-n]

-f, --force Ignore non-existing features
-i, --feature-id=<value>... [default: -] Feature IDs to delete
-n, --dry-run Only show what would be delete
--config-file=<value> Use this config file (mostly for testing)
--profile=<value> Use credentials from this profile

Delete one or more features by ID

Note that deleting a child feature after deleting its parent will result in an error unless you set -f/--force.

See code: src/commands/feature/delete.ts

apollo feature edit

Edit features using an appropiate json input

$ apollo feature edit [--profile <value>] [--config-file <value>] [-j <value>]

-j, --json-input=<value> [default: -] Json string or json file or "-" to read json from stdin
--config-file=<value> Use this config file (mostly for testing)
--profile=<value> Use credentials from this profile

Edit features using an appropiate json input

Edit a feature by submitting a json input with all the required attributes for Apollo to process it. This is a very
low level command which most users probably do not need.

Input may be a json string or a json file and it may be an array of changes. This is an example input for editing
feature type:

"typeName": "TypeChange",
"changedIds": [
"assembly": "6613f7d1360321540a11e5ed",
"featureId": "6613f7d22c957525d631b1cc",
"oldType": "BAC",
"newType": "G_quartet"

Editing by passing a json to stdin:

echo '{"typeName": ... "newType": "G_quartet"}' | apollo feature edit -j -

See code: src/commands/feature/edit.ts

apollo feature edit-attribute

Add, edit, or view a feature attribute

$ apollo feature edit-attribute -a <value> [--profile <value>] [--config-file <value>] [-i <value>] [-v <value>] [-d]

-a, --attribute=<value> (required) Attribute key to add or edit
-d, --delete Delete this attribute
-i, --feature-id=<value> [default: -] Feature ID to edit or "-" to read it from stdin
-v, --value=<value>... New attribute value. Separated mutliple values by space to them as a list. If unset return
current value
--config-file=<value> Use this config file (mostly for testing)
--profile=<value> Use credentials from this profile

Add, edit, or view a feature attribute

Be aware that there is no checking whether attributes names and values are valid. For example, you can create
non-unique ID attributes or you can set gene ontology terms to non-existing terms

Add attribute "domains" with a list of values:

$ apollo feature edit-attribute -i 66...3f -a domains -v ABC PLD

Print values in "domains" as json array:

$ apollo feature edit-attribute -i 66...3f -a domains

Delete attribute "domains"

$ apollo feature edit-attribute -i 66...3f -a domains -d

See code: src/commands/feature/edit-attribute.ts

apollo feature edit-coords

Edit feature start and/or end coordinates

$ apollo feature edit-coords [--profile <value>] [--config-file <value>] [-i <value>] [-s <value>] [-e <value>]

-e, --end=<value> New end coordinate (1-based)
-i, --feature-id=<value> [default: -] Feature ID to edit or "-" to read it from stdin
-s, --start=<value> New start coordinate (1-based)
--config-file=<value> Use this config file (mostly for testing)
--profile=<value> Use credentials from this profile

Edit feature start and/or end coordinates

If editing a child feature that new coordinates must be within the parent's coordinates.To get the identifier of the
feature to edit consider using `apollo feature get` or `apollo feature search`

Edit start and end:

$ apollo feature edit-coords -i -s 10 -e 1000

Edit end and leave start as it is:

$ apollo feature edit-coords -i -e 2000

See code: src/commands/feature/edit-coords.ts

apollo feature edit-type

Edit or view feature type

$ apollo feature edit-type [--profile <value>] [--config-file <value>] [-i <value>] [-t <value>]

-i, --feature-id=<value> [default: -] Feature ID to edit or "-" to read it from stdin
-t, --type=<value> Assign feature to this type. If unset return the current type
--config-file=<value> Use this config file (mostly for testing)
--profile=<value> Use credentials from this profile

Edit or view feature type

Feature type is column 3 in gff format.It must be a valid sequence ontology term although but the valifdity of the new
term is not checked.

See code: src/commands/feature/edit-type.ts

apollo feature get

Get features in assembly, reference sequence or genomic window

$ apollo feature get [--profile <value>] [--config-file <value>] [-a <value>] [-r <value>] [-s <value>] [-e

-a, --assembly=<value> Find input reference sequence in this assembly
-e, --end=<value> End coordinate
-r, --refseq=<value> Reference sequence. If unset, query all sequences
-s, --start=<value> [default: 1] Start coordinate (1-based)
--config-file=<value> Use this config file (mostly for testing)
--profile=<value> Use credentials from this profile

Get features in assembly, reference sequence or genomic window

Get all features in myAssembly:

$ apollo feature get -a myAssembly

Get features intersecting chr1:1..1000. You can omit the assembly name if there are no other reference sequences
named chr1:

$ apollo feature get -a myAssembly -r chr1 -s 1 -e 1000

See code: src/commands/feature/get.ts

apollo feature get-id

Get features given their identifiers

$ apollo feature get-id [--profile <value>] [--config-file <value>] [-i <value>]

-i, --feature-id=<value>... [default: -] Retrieves feature with these IDs. Use "-" to read IDs from stdin (one per
--config-file=<value> Use this config file (mostly for testing)
--profile=<value> Use credentials from this profile

Get features given their identifiers

Invalid identifiers or identifiers not found in the database will be silently ignored

Get features for these identifiers:

$ apollo feature get-id -i abc...zyz

See code: src/commands/feature/get-id.ts

apollo feature import INPUT-FILE

Import features from local gff file

$ apollo feature import INPUT-FILE -a <value> [--profile <value>] [--config-file <value>] [-d]

INPUT-FILE Input gff file

-a, --assembly=<value> (required) Import into this assembly name or assembly ID
-d, --delete-existing Delete existing features before importing
--config-file=<value> Use this config file (mostly for testing)
--profile=<value> Use credentials from this profile

Import features from local gff file

By default, features are added to the existing ones.

Delete features in myAssembly and then import features.gff3:

$ apollo feature import features.gff3 -d -a myAssembly

See code: src/commands/feature/import.ts

Free text search for feature in one or more assemblies

$ apollo feature search -t <value> [--profile <value>] [--config-file <value>] [-a <value>]

-a, --assembly=<value>... Assembly names or IDs to search; use "-" to read it from stdin. If omitted search all
-t, --text=<value> (required) Search for this text query
--config-file=<value> Use this config file (mostly for testing)
--profile=<value> Use credentials from this profile

Free text search for feature in one or more assemblies

Return features matching a query string. This command searches only in:

- Attribute *values* (not attribute names)
- Source field (which in fact is stored as an attribute)
- Feature type

The search mode is:

- Case insensitive
- Match only full words, but not necessarily the full value
- Common words are ignored. E.g. "the", "with"

For example, given this feature:

chr1 example SNP 10 30 0.987 . . "someKey=Fingerprint BAC with reads"

Queries "bac" or "mRNA" return the feature. Instead these queries will NOT match:

- "someKey"
- "with"
- "Finger"
- "chr1"
- "0.987"

Search "bac" in these assemblies:

$ apollo feature search -a mm9 mm10 -t bac

See code: src/commands/feature/search.ts