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Loading data

Setting up the Apollo and JBrowse CLI

Both Apollo and JBrowse have CLI tools that you can use to load data. The recommended way to install both these tools is through a Node.js package manager (such as npm or yarn). See the next section for those installation instructions.

If you would rather use Docker to run the CLI tools, it is possible to do so with a bit more setup. See this section for those instructions.

Installing CLI tools with npm or yarn

Use the following to install the Apollo and JBrowse CLI tools.

npm install -g @apollo-annotation/cli @jbrowse/cli

You can test that those commands work by running apollo --version and jbrowse --version in your terminal. The output should look something like this:

$ apollo --version
@apollo-annotation/cli/0.3.1 linux-x64 node-v18.20.4
$ jbrowse --version
@jbrowse/cli/2.18.0 linux-x64 node-v18.20.4

If that worked, you can move on to configuring the Apollo CLI.

Setting up Docker to run the CLI tools

Apollo provides a Docker image of its CLI. In order to configure the Apollo CLI in the Docker container, though, you'll need to create a config file for it first. For this guide, we'll create an empty file called config.yml in a new directory.

mkdir cli
touch cli/config.yml

Now we'll create a function that wraps the Docker commands that we need to run to avoid having to re-type them. Run the following in your terminal:

function apollo() {
docker \
run \
--rm \
--interactive \
--add-host host.docker.internal=host-gateway \
--volume ./cli:/root/.config/apollo-cli \
--volume ./data:/data \ \

Now run apollo --version in your terminal. You should see something like this output:

$ apollo --version
@apollo-annotation/cli/0.3.1 linux-x64 node-v18.20.4

JBrowse does not provide a Docker image for its CLI, so we'll have to create one. Create a file called jbrowse.Dockerfile and paste the following contents into it:

FROM node:18-alpine
RUN mkdir data && yarn global add @jbrowse/cli
ENTRYPOINT ["jbrowse"]

Now run this command:

docker build --tag jbrowse-cli --file jbrowse.Dockerfile .

When that is done, we'll create a wrapper function like we did for the Apollo CLI.

function jbrowse() {
docker \
run \
--rm \
--interactive \
--volume ./data:/data \
jbrowse-cli \

After pasting that into your terminal, run jbrowse --version and check that the output looks something like this:

$ jbrowse --version
@jbrowse/cli/2.18.0 linux-x64 node-v18.20.4

Configuring the Apollo CLI

Open a new terminal in the same directory where you ran the setup commands. To use the Apollo CLI, we need to configure it with the information for the running Apollo installation. You can have multiple profiles configured, but we will use a single default profile. Run these commands:

apollo config address http://localhost/apollo
# If you are using Docker to run the Apollo CLI, then instead you need to do:
# apollo config address http://host.docker.internal/apollo
apollo config accessType root
apollo config rootPassword password
apollo login

If you need to log in again, run apollo logout first, or use apollo login --force.

Adding assemblies and annotations

The next step is to add an assembly. We're going to use trimmed-down assembly that only includes a single chromosome. This is so that the data is small enough to be self-contained inside this repository, without the need for any external data.

We are going to use a FASTA file that has been prepared with bgzip and samtools to be compressed and indexed. The organism this assembly belongs to is Schistosoma mansoni. Run this command to add the assembly:

apollo assembly \
add-from-fasta \
./data/Schistosoma/mansoni/SM_V10_3/smansoni_SM_v10_3.fa.gz \
--fai ./data/Schistosoma/mansoni/SM_V10_3/smansoni_SM_v10_3.fa.gz.fai \
--gzi ./data/Schistosoma/mansoni/SM_V10_3/smansoni_SM_v10_3.fa.gz.gzi \
--assembly 'Schistosoma mansoni'

Now that we have an assembly, let's add the annotations we want to curate. They are stored in a GFF3 file. Run this command to import the annotations:

apollo feature \
import \
./data/Schistosoma/mansoni/SM_V10_3/smansoni_SM_v10_3_subset.gff3 \
--assembly 'Schistosoma mansoni'

Next we're going to add a second assembly and set of annotations. This assembly is from the related species Schistosoma haematobium. Run these two commands to add the assembly and annotations:

apollo assembly \
add-from-fasta \
./data/Schistosoma/haematobium/CHR_3/shaematobium_CHR_3.fa.gz \
--fai ./data/Schistosoma/haematobium/CHR_3/shaematobium_CHR_3.fa.gz.fai \
--gzi ./data/Schistosoma/haematobium/CHR_3/shaematobium_CHR_3.fa.gz.gzi \
--assembly 'Schistosoma haematobium'

apollo feature \
import \
./data/Schistosoma/haematobium/CHR_3/shaematobium_CHR_3_subset.gff3 \
--assembly 'Schistosoma haematobium'

Adding evidence tracks

Apollo is now set up to be able to annotate these genomes. In order to help with the annotation, though, it's often useful to include evidence tracks. Apollo is built on top of JBrowse 2, so we'll add these evidence tracks to the underlying JBrowse configuration. The first thing we need to do is get the IDs of the assemblies, since we'll need to pass these to JBrowse instead of the Apollo internal name. You can see the IDs in the output of the assembly adding commands above, but we'll run the following commands to demonstrate another way to get them:

apollo assembly get |
jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.name=="Schistosoma mansoni")._id'
apollo assembly get |
jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.name=="Schistosoma haematobium")._id'

In order to make the evidence track data available to JBrowse, the jbrowse_data/ is visible inside our running application as a directory called data/ that is visible to JBrowse. Inside this directory, we have an RNA-seq file in CRAM format for each of the assemblies, as well as a file that shows synteny relationships between the two assemblies. This particular file was generated with tblastx.

The first step is to get the JBrowse configuration stored in Apollo so we can update it. Run these commands:

apollo jbrowse get-config > data/config.json

Now that we have the configuration, we can use the jbrowse CLI tool to add the evidence tracks. We are using the inPlace value for the --load flag because we know how these files are going to be visible in to JBrowse, and we don't want the CLI to try and copy or alter any files.

jbrowse add-track \
data/smansoni_SM_v10_3_subset.cram \
--load inPlace \
--name "S. mansoni RNA-seq" \
--assemblyNames "${MANSONI_ID}" \
--out data/config.json
jbrowse add-track \
data/shaematobium_CHR_3_subset.cram \
--load inPlace \
--name "S. haematobium RNA-seq" \
--assemblyNames "${HAEMATOBIUM_ID}" \
--out data/config.json
jbrowse add-track \
data/shaematobium_vs_smansoni.paf \
--load inPlace \
--name "S. haematobium vs. S. mansoni TBLASTX" \
--assemblyNames "${HAEMATOBIUM_ID}","${MANSONI_ID}" \
--out data/config.json

Now the last step is to send the updated JBrowse config back to Apollo.

apollo jbrowse set-config data/config.json
rm data/config.json